![A headshot image of Juho Pussinen](http://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/jensenhughes/profile/Pussinen_Juho_ExpertFinder_710x493.jpg)
Juho Pussinen
MSc., B.Eng, (class PV)
Fire Safety Engineer
Areas of Expertise
Oulu - Finland
Juho has close to 10 years of experience as a fire safety engineer. Before joining the fire safety industry, Juho studied process engineering at the University of Oulu and worked in process industry plants in the paper and chemical industry.
Juho has worked on a wide range of building sites, many of which have been deep underground or high-rise construction projects. Juho's areas of expertise include hazardous materials dispersion modeling, fire stops, civil defense shelters, fire and egress simulations, chemical safety, and ATEX regulations.
He continues to be active in national and international networks in the fire safety sector including SFPE conferences. Juho is currently a board member of the Finnish Fire Engineers Association.
Juholla on lähemmäs 10 vuoden kokemus paloturvallisuusasiantuntijan tehtävistä. Ennen siirtymistään paloturvallisuusalalle hän opiskeli prosessitekniikan diplomi-insinöörin tutkinnon Oulun yliopistossa ja työskenteli prosessiteollisuuden tuotantolaitoksissa paperi- ja kemianteollisuudessa.
Juho on työskennellyt erittäin laaja-alaisesti erilaisten kohteiden parissa. Moneen on liittynyt joko maanalaisen tai korkean rakentamisen tarpeita. Juho on asiantuntija palo- ja poistumissimulointien tekemisessä sekä kemikaaliturvallisuuden ja ATEX-säädösten maailmassa. Myös mm. vaarallisten aineiden leviämismallinnus, palokatkot sekä VSS-asiat ovat Juhon ydinosaamista.
Juho on toiminut aktiivisesti paloalan kansallisissa ja kansainvälisissä verkostoissa mm. SFPE:n konferensseissa. Hän on tällä hetkellä Suomen Paloinsinööriyhdistyksen (SPIY) hallituksen jäsen.
Education / Certifications
- Master of Science, Process Engineering, University of Oulu
- Bachelor of Engineering, Fire Officer, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Emergency Services College
- Board Member, Finnish Fire Engineers Association (SPIY)
- FISE Designer of Fire Safety, exceptionally demanding (class PV)
See Insights from Juho Pussinen
Building Information Modelling – Taking The Next Step In Fire Safety Design Workflow
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Blogs + Whitepapers
Incorporating BIMfire into Jensen Hughes Fire Safety Design
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In this Q&A, Juho Pussinen discusses the significance of BIMfire, the opportunities presented by its adoption, and Jensen Hughes' implementation.
Project Profiles
Helsinki Airport Extension
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Awarded as Best Airport in Europe 2023, our team of experts worked on the fire strategy plan for Helsinki Airport.
Blogs + Whitepapers
Fire Safety Engineering for Data Centers Requires Specific Expertise
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Cloud services and storage require physical data centers to operate, but what is required to make them fire-safe facilities?